Explore Your Genuine Self and Tap Into Your Vast Potential

  • Initiation Week

    Embark on a Transformative Journey with Mike and Julia

    Initiation Week is an intensive, personalized coaching program designed by Mike and Julia to address and alleviate areas of struggle in your life. This one-week journey is tailored to dissect and understand the underlying issues that hinder your growth and happiness.

    What to Expect:

    Session #1: Initial Phone Consultation (Approx. 1.5 Hours)

    In your first session, Mike and Julia will delve deep into your current challenges. This comprehensive analysis is aimed at uncovering the subconscious limitations that are impacting your life. This insightful session sets the foundation for your transformational week.

    Session #2: Sound Breath Activation Session (Approx. 2 Hours)

    Experience the unique Sound Breath Activation Session, a cornerstone of the Initiation Week. This session harnesses the power of sound and breathwork to facilitate profound emotional and mental shifts. It’s designed to give you a transformative experience of yourself, opening doors to new perspectives and heightened self-awareness.

    The Outcome:

    By the end of the Initiation Week, you will find yourself equipped with a renewed sense of self, and a dramatically increased capacity to navigate life’s challenges. This program is not just about temporary relief but about instilling lasting changes that empower you to live your life with more clarity, balance, and fulfillment.

    Embark on Your Journey:

    Initiation Week with Mike and Julia is more than a coaching program; it’s an invitation to a journey of self-discovery and liberation. Join us for this transformative experience and redefine your approach to life's challenges.


  • 4 Week Container

    Embark on a Tailored, One-Month Transformative Journey

    The 4 Week Container is an intensive, personalized one-month program designed by Mike and Julia for those who wish to deepen their journey of self-discovery and transformation. Following the Initiation Week, this program offers a continuation of your growth journey with a series of customized sessions.

    Program Focus:

    Personalized Transformation: The 4 Week Container is tailored to address and transform the way you engage with life. Mike and Julia work closely with you to uncover and dissolve any blocks that prevent you from expressing your true self, rewiring your mindset and habits towards a life filled with fulfillment and purpose.

    Ongoing Support and Partnership: Committing to the 4 Week Container means entering into a partnership where Mike and Julia are fully dedicated to your journey. They are available to support you as new challenges and insights arise, ensuring a dynamic and responsive coaching experience.

    Flexible and Evolving: The program is designed to be flexible, adapting to your evolving needs and discoveries over the month. This approach ensures that your journey is not just about temporary change but about sustainable transformation and growth.

    Post-Program Continuation:

    Month-to-Month Refinement: Upon completion of the 4 Week Container, you have the option to continue on a month-to-month basis. This allows for further refinement of the skills and insights gained, diving deeper into the nuances of thriving and excelling in all areas of life.

    Transform Your Life:

    The 4 Week Container with Mike and Julia is an invitation to a profound journey of change. It’s an opportunity to not just learn but embody new ways of living and being. If you’re ready to embrace a life of deeper fulfillment and self-realization, join us in this transformative exploration.


Book A Personal Journey


  • Our programs offer a unique blend of breathwork, sound therapy, and vocal activation, aimed at holistic healing. You can expect profound self-awareness, emotional liberation, and a deeper connection with your inner self. These experiences are designed to not only bring about immediate relief and insight but also long-lasting transformation in how you relate to yourself and the world.

  • Our programs are ideal for anyone seeking personal growth, healing from emotional traumas, or looking to deepen their spiritual journey. Whether you are a professional facing stress, an artist seeking creative inspiration, or anyone looking for a transformative self-exploration experience, our programs are tailored to meet you where you are in your journey.

  • Mike and Julia take a personalized approach, tailoring each session to the individual’s needs. Through initial assessments and ongoing dialogue, they adapt techniques to best suit your personal journey, ensuring that each experience directly addresses your goals and challenges.

  • Unlike conventional programs, Anima Ventus combines ancient healing practices with modern therapeutic techniques. This unique fusion, along with the personal expertise of Mike in subconscious mapping and Julia in vocal healing, offers a deeply integrative approach to wellness that you won’t find in more traditional settings.

  • Can I expect support after the completion of a program?

    Absolutely. Post-program support is a key component of our offerings. We provide tools and guidance for integrating new insights and practices into your everyday life, ensuring sustainable growth. Additionally, there are options for ongoing sessions to further refine and deepen your journey.

  • By investing in our programs, you gain tools and skills for better stress management, enhanced emotional and mental clarity, improved interpersonal relationships, and a stronger sense of purpose. Our clients often report significant improvements in personal and professional aspects of their lives.

  • Mike and Julia are dedicated to being accessible and responsive throughout your journey. They understand the importance of support and guidance as you navigate through the transformative process and are committed to being there for you every step of the way.


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